The Ever Growing Light

“What does ‘he ascended’ mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions. He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.” 
Ephesians 4:9-10

It’s brighter this morning than it was a week ago. The ever growing light is easier to notice when you live in the Great White North.

One year, we did swimming lessons in January. At the beginning we arrived to the pool and left it in the dark. But every week, at the end of the swimming lessons, we emerged from the pool and it was brighter and brighter. I remember it because it was a year when I needed to know the darkness would not last forever. And week by week I saw little glimpses of the good news.

In Ephesians 4, Paul writes that Jesus has filled the whole universe. Just like the light of day, His glory and presence fill the whole earth. He is everywhere - every dark circumstance, every physical and spiritual place, every joyful moment, every second of the past, present, and future.

It sounds too good to be true.

The phrases “Where are you, God? Why aren’t you here? Why have you forgotten about me?” have long been apart of my inner life. Let's be honest - my outer life too.

But I am learning to live in the truth of what Paul writes to the Ephesians. Rather than questioning God, I am learning to pray in faith that He has truly filled the whole universe. That despite my circumstances, He is present with me - right where I am, every breath, every second, every experience.

Where are you, God?” is becoming, “Open my eyes to see where you are in all of this.”

“Why aren’t you here?” is becoming, “Open my eyes to see your presence with me.”

“Have you forgotten about me?” is becoming “Open my eyes and heart and mind to your goodness, even here.”

“This part of my life is off limits to you.” is becoming, “I know that you are already here. Take the shame that tells me to hide from you.”

Open my eyes to your everlasting kindness, even in this place, to how you have prepared me for this experience, to how you are providing for me this day. 

It is a subtle shift but it is changing something in me. It is moving me from questioning to trusting, daring to believe that what God has said it true.

As I have been praying this way, lyrics from an old hymn have bubbled to the surface,

“Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His Word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
And to know, “Thus saith the Lord!"

2022 is the year I am trying to take God at His word, to rest on His promise, even if the mystery of how He is working is beyond me. 

I am learning to ask God to lift the veil so that I might catch a glimpse of His presence.

As you and I pray this, we just might be able to see the growing light against the darkness - inch by inch that it may come.

May God’s ever growing light swallow up the darkness. May your eyes be opened to the God that has filled the universe with His good and beautiful presence. May you know the tender presence of Jesus, with you, whatever you are facing.

Lisa Nikkel6 Comments