For When We Cannot See

This spring, we were supposed to move.

Last spring, we were supposed to move.

And the spring before that and the one before that.

I think it is safe to say that God is just not opening that door for us. At least, not right now. And I’m not entirely sure how this “moving story” is going to end.

I have come a long way since I wrote about this, a few years ago. But, I still long for a home that feels like a home, where we can stretch out and rest without being on top of each other.

A few weeks ago, I was sitting in the living room thinking, again, about how to make the space work and I could feel a sense of panicked dread beginning to creep in. I felt powerless to change the circumstances and unequivocally stuck - my least favourite feelings.

A prayed welled up inside me, “God - help me see this situation with new eyes. I just see a small space that doesn’t work for us anymore. I need to see this house, this stuck-ness, differently or I’m going to go crazy.”

In the darkness, a long forgotten story from the bible came to mind. A story about “seeing”. A story about Elisha and the angel army.

In II Kings 6 - Elisha’s prophetic abilities are getting him in trouble with the King of Aram. The Aramean army is deployed to capture Elisha and they surround his city in the night. Elisha’s servant discovers the armies and runs back to Elisha terrified.

An army surrounding your city is the exact definition of being stuck and powerless.

Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” (2 Kings 6: 16-17)

Elisha responds so graciously and full of confidence in God. He does not chastise the servant for not having more faith. He simply prays that the servant would see what he sees and knows - that God is near and powerful.

I recognize that my house situation is not as dire as an army sent to capture you. But I needed the reminder from God that my eyes can get fixated on what is infront of me and forget the deeper reality. I can forget that “Those who are with us are more that those who are with them.”

Especially when doors are closed and life feels stuck.

The thing is, the servant’s senses were interpreting the situation correctly - the army WAS there and they WERE threatening.

But, he had forgotten about what was ALSO going on in other realms beyond human sight.

Life can make blind. This world makes us cynical and skeptic.  Grief, disappointment, and pain can cause us to lose our wonder and hope. But, I will tell you right now - God has an angel army and it is on your side.

It is so easy to see our circumstances and dismiss God’s mysterious workings as His cruelty or absence.

God sees the army you are staring down. He sees your fear and your confusion and He knows your limited ability to understand it all. Will you trust him enough to ask him to change what you are seeing? Will you ask Him to remove your blindness and give you eyes of the Kingdom?

I will leave you with a blessing I wrote.

A Blessing For When We Cannot See:

God - the commander of heavens armies. You who made us with limitations and a need to be dependent on your for all things. Grant us the mercy you granted Elisha’s servant - open our eyes.

Open our eyes, Lord, that we might see that there are more with us than with our enemies. Lift the blindness that has caused us to forget that you are the God who sends angel armies with flaming chariots, that you are the God who who hears the cries of the oppressed, who is our ever present help in times of trouble. Reveal to us the deeper realities and quiet our fears. Be our guide, God of Elisha, and lead us in your way, everlasting.

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